DPF cleaning

Logo, website, PPC

The client

ASINELL s.r.o.


DPF cleaning is a landing page representing a new service of an already established company that deals with the sale of auto parts in the B2B and B2C segment. It primarily addresses two target groups: B2B customers, i.e., garages and end users who can handle the disassembly themselves and have the dpf filter cleaned.

What does the client say
dpf cleaning


It was the launch of a completely new online project, with the owner already having defined all the basic marketing lines. Who is his customer, what does he offer, what are his benefits. The logo design and the identity of the project were created, which "sat first". Our goal was to prepare a solution that would be visually and user-attractive, offer all the necessary information and thrust factors for user conversion, but at the same time would not be overwhelming. After launching the website, we prepared Google Ads campaigns and implemented conversion measurement in order to be able to evaluate their success as accurately as possible.

See also:

DPF Cleaning
dpf case study
dpf case study
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